Map / Expenses / Minutes

Millwood Land  Map


  Profit & Loss Statement – 5/9/2024              
  Bank Balance $48,539.83            
  Accounts Receivable – 11 Homes $1,925.00            
          Jan 1 – May 9, 24   Jan 1 – May 9, 23   % Change   % of Income
  Ordinary Income/Expense              
      Dues 29,225.00   29,225.00   0.0%   100.0%
    Total Income 29,225.00   29,225.00   0.0%   100.0%
      Lawn Services              
        Beds 1,981.23   602.00   229.11%   6.78%
        Treatment 0.00   298.31   -100.0%   0.0%
      Total Lawn Services 1,981.23   900.31   120.06%   6.78%
        Fountain 420.25   0.00   100.0%   1.44%
        Repairs – Other 225.75   0.00   100.0%   0.77%
      Total Repairs 646.00   0.00   100.0%   2.21%
        Pond 298.84   269.84   10.75%   1.02%
        Irrigation 159.00   0.00   100.0%   0.54%
        Entry 0.00   72.00   -100.0%   0.0%
      Total Maintenance 457.84   341.84   33.93%   1.57%
      Postage 392.76   359.69   9.19%   1.34%
        Gas & Electric 360.98   235.13   53.52%   1.24%
      Total Utilities 360.98   235.13   53.52%   1.24%
      Office 154.76   0.00   100.0%   0.53%
      Signs 0.00   69.77   -100.0%   0.0%
    Total Expense 3,993.57   1,906.74   109.45%   13.67%
  Net Ordinary Income 25,231.43   27,318.26   -7.64%   86.34%
Net Income   25,231.43   27,318.26   -7.64%   86.34%

Millwood Homeowners – P & L – May 11th, 2023

          Jan 1 – May 11, 22   Jan 1 – May 11, 21   % Change   % of Income
  Ordinary Income/Expense              
      Dues 29,050.00   29,225.00   -0.6%   100.0%
    Total Income 29,050.00   29,225.00   -0.6%   100.0%
      Lawn Services              
        Beds 548.25   635.79   -13.77%   1.89%
        Treatment 276.28   268.75   2.8%   0.95%
        Lawn Services – Other 230.94   66.00   249.91%   0.8%
      Total Lawn Services 1,055.47   970.54   8.75%   3.63%
        Pond 393.45   247.26   59.12%   1.35%
        Entry 72.00   0.00   100.0%   0.25%
      Total Maintenance 465.45   247.26   88.24%   1.6%
      Postage 328.86   324.43   1.37%   1.13%
      Repairs 208.00   849.05   -75.5%   0.72%
        Gas & Electric 159.01   250.16   -36.44%   0.55%
        Water 0.00   2.15   -100.0%   0.0%
      Total Utilities 159.01   252.31   -36.98%   0.55%
      Misc 24.71   0.00   100.0%   0.09%
    Total Expense 2,241.50   2,643.59   -15.21%   7.72%
  Net Ordinary Income 26,808.50   26,581.41   0.85%   92.28%
Net Income   26,808.50   26,581.41   0.85%   92.28%

Millwood Homeowners Association Meeting Minutes – May 11th, 2023

Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm by Mary Lynn Gothard

Introductions – HOA President Mary Lynn Gothard introduced Trustees Je
ff Hobbs, Viv Bibler, and Tina DeLaet, and Treasurer Kent Crabtree. Secretary Sheri Coleman was unable to be in attendance.

Order of Business

Roll Call – board members present were Mary Lynn Gothard, Viv Bibler,Tina DeLaet, Jeff Hobbs, Kent Crabtree
Proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice – all homeowners were mailed a notice of tonight’s meeting, and an example was shown at the meeting. Signs were also posted at the entrances several weeks prior to the neighborhood to notify residents of the meeting.
Reading of minutes of preceding meeting – Tina DeLaet read aloud the minutes from the May 12, 2022 annual meeting.
Motion to accept minutes:
  1. Bob McDonald
  2. Dave Barhorst and Charlotte Golden

Minutes were accepted.

Reports of officers – President – Mary Lynn thanked all Board members for stepping up during her mother’s illness this past year.

The Next Door app is being used on occasion to complain about the Board and people’s neighbors. We ask that residents contact us first, so we can respond to situations and / or complaints.

The last remaining lot in the Millwood neighborhood has been sold.We have had lots of new neighbors moving in during the past year! We encourage all to get out and meet them.

Treasurer – Kent submitted his financial report to Mary Lynn. Copies were made available at the meeting and are posted on the association’s website. Currently there are five outstanding homes that still owe their dues; one of them is in foreclosure.
Trustees – Tina will check on landscaping at both entrances to identify any maintenance or replacement of plants that needs to be done.
Viv said Buckeye Eco Care will be cleaning the troughs and reseeding the retention pond on Denwood. The irrigation system at both entrances will be started on May 22. The city of Englewood cleaned out the pipes that carry water and debris to the retention areas at no cost to us.
Jeff reported that the west fountain lights will be fixed. A seal has cracked. Irrigation times look good, and the pumps are also in good shape.
Election of Inspectors of Election (at least two) – Jeff Hobbs’ term as trustee expires this year, and he has elected not to serve another term at this time. We thank Jeff for his service to the Millwood Homeowners Association.
Steve Grant and Heather Gehron were elected as Inspectors of Election.
Election of Trustees – Jeff Hobbs nominated Mark Sedor to serve as Trustee. Bob McDonald seconded the motion. Mark Sedor was elected. We thank him for his willingness to serve.
Unfinished Business – Delinquent homeowners all received letters. If not paid by the conclusion of this meeting, we will file liens. The question was asked whether delinquent homeowners give us a reason for not paying. The answer was we usually never hear from them.
New Business – A homeowner asked whether annual dues could be paid online. We will look into it. For Venmo, and Zell, homeowners would have to pay a convenience fee.
A question arose as to whether homeowners new to the neighborhood know the expectations. We do not currently hand out By-Laws and
Covenants, as they are posted on the website. Englewood does not have a pre-sale inspection, so they can’t be handed out then. Mary Lynn will contact the city about handing out their welcome packet.
Mary Lynn brought up the postal code issue. We receive our mail from the Clayton Post Office, but we receive Englewood city services.
Heather Gehron will serve on a committee for handing out packets and copies of the By-Laws and Covenants to new neighbors.Thank you, Heather.
There have been issues about dogs barking late at night. If there is a persistent problem, call the police.
Some have noticed we seem to have a lot of cars driving very fast through the neighborhood. We have lots of new neighbors with small children. The possibility of a solar sign being installed was discussed. Perhaps if the city receives a lot of complaints, we may be able to get one.
Signage in yards was brought up. We don’t have much control over it. We did have one issue with foul language on a sign during the last national election, and it was resolved.
There are some drainage issues in residents’ yards. The city says we have one of the best neighborhoods for drainage. Weeds from the common areas are overflowing into neighbors’ yards. Viv will check on the price to treat the weeds. Dead trees in the common areas were also discussed.
Adjournment – 1) Brett Golden 2) Bob McDonald
Meeting adjourned at approx. 8:45

Millwood Homeowners Association P & L – May 12, 2022

          Jan 1 – May 18, 22   Jan 1 – May 18, 21   % Change   % of Income
  Ordinary Income/Expense              
      Dues 29,050.00   29,225.00   -0.6%   100.0%
    Total Income 29,050.00   29,225.00   -0.6%   100.0%
      Lawn Services              
        Treatment 1,082.53   268.75   302.8%   3.73%
        Beds 548.25   705.67   -22.31%   1.89%
        Lawn Services – Other 230.94   861.52   -73.19%   0.8%
      Total Lawn Services 1,861.72   1,835.94   1.4%   6.41%
        Pond 393.45   247.26   59.12%   1.35%
        Irrigation 248.33   0.00   100.0%   0.86%
        Entry 72.00   0.00   100.0%   0.25%
      Total Maintenance 713.78   247.26   188.68%   2.46%
      Postage 328.86   324.43   1.37%   1.13%
      Repairs 208.00   1,019.97   -79.61%   0.72%
        Gas & Electric 159.01   250.16   -36.44%   0.55%
        Water 0.00   2.15   -100.0%   0.0%
      Total Utilities 159.01   252.31   -36.98%   0.55%
      Misc 24.71   0.00   100.0%   0.09%
    Total Expense 3,296.08   3,679.91   -10.43%   11.35%
  Net Ordinary Income 25,753.92   25,545.09   0.82%   88.65%
Net Income   25,753.92   25,545.09   0.82%   88.65%

Millwood Homeowners Association Minutes – May 12, 2022

Call to Order – the meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Mary Lynn Gothard


Introductions – President Mary Lynn Gothard introduced Trustees Jeff     

   Hobbs, Viv Bibler, and Tina DeLaet, and Secretary Sheri         

   Coleman. Kent Crabtree, Treasurer, was unable to be in attendance.


Order of Business 



Roll Call – board members present were Mary Lynn Gothard, Viv Bibler,

       Jeff Hobbs, Tina DeLaet, and Sheri Coleman


(b) Proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice – 


 all homeowners were mailed a notice of tonight’s meeting. An example

 was shown to those in attendance 


(c) Reading of minutes of preceding meeting – 


 Sheri Coleman read aloud the minutes from the May 13, 2021 annual  



Motion to accept minutes   1)  Bret Golden  2) JoAnn Smith                                

(d) Reports of officers – President – 


Mary Lynn reminded the group that financial reports are posted on the 

Millwood Homeowners website, http:/


 As of this time, we have five homeowners who have not paid their annual 

dues for 2022. One homeowner owes dues for 2021 and 2022. They have

received the annual notice and two past-due notices.


Mary Lynn expressed the board’s frustration with the lack of responses to 

letters sent to homeowners. 


Our HOA Board members are filling voluntary positions. Many other 

HOA’s are run by management companies at much higher rates for dues. 

We need cooperation and willingness to work together in order to 


continue managing the neighborhood’s needs as we have in the past.


Treasurer- Kent Crabtree – Kent was unable to attend this evening, but 

asked Mary Lynn to report on his behalf.  


Kent requested that we amend the by-laws to: 1) allow for all costs 


associated with placing a lien to be added to the lien and 2) eliminate the 

costs of mailing reminders to homeowners about the annual meeting. 


This currently costs us approx. $200.00 per year. 


Vendors and prices have increased this year over last. 


Kent submitted his financial report to Mary Lynn. Copies were available at 

the meeting and are posted on the website.


Trustees Reports – Viv 


Holiday decorations we display at the two entrances used to be installed, 

taken down, and stored by Englewood Florist, which is no longer in 


business. Currently a nephew of the Englewood Florist owners is 


supplying that service. Viv suggests the Board discuss paying this 


individual for his time and the storage.


Last summer, Metronet cut our electric line at the Wenger entrance. Viv 

spent several months dealing with this problem. Eventually our electrician

replaced the line, and Viv was able to convince Metronet to reimburse us 

in full for the repair.


We have placed flowers at both entrances at a total cost of about $60.00. 

Some of the plants from the landscaping at the entrances have not 


survived, and will be replaced. In addition, it takes several years for new 

plantings to mature and produce color. The flowers planted by board 


members will give some color until the other plantings begin to do so. 


The city cleaned out Moss Creek last year and it has greatly helped our 

drainage issues in both retention areas. We still have leaves and other 


debris accumulate in the troughs. We are looking at bids to to have the 

troughs in both retention areas cleaned out twice yearly.


Viv asked Greentech to remove plastic bags from the pond. We also still 

have some issues with people fishing in the pond even though there are 

signs posted. 




Jeff is securing the bids for maintenance of the retention areas. He states 

that the grass in those areas appears to be drier than in past years due to 

our maintenance. This is helpful for mowing and other maintenance.


The fountain and lights are all installed for the year. We have one light out 

and are awaiting a replacement. Jeff states that we had to replace one of 

the pumps last year, and he feels the other one will need to be replaced in

the near future. Both pumps were the originals installed in the 1990’s.


Tina –


Nature’s Green is coming next week to replace dead plants at the 




(e) Election of Inspectors of Election (at least two) – not necessary, as we 


had no issues to vote on 


(f) Election of Trustees – Viv Bibler was reelected to a new two-year term as 

trustee. Many thanks to Viv for her willingness to serve our neighborhood.


She was nominated by Ken Schultz, and Tina DeLaet seconded the 




(g) Unfinished Business – none


h) New Business – 


Votes were taken on two issues:

to amend the the Covenants, Article V, 5.01 to read in part,“ the collection 

of delinquent annual fees resulting in a lien placed on the Homeowner’s 


property shall include all associated expenses related to the annual dues, 

late fees, and any and all related association expenses, including but not 


limited to, interest, late fees, attorney fees, and costs of placing and 


releasing the lien.”


to amend the By-Laws Article 1, 1.08 to read in part “to fulfill the 


requirement of Notice of Meeting, the Association will place signage at 

both neighborhood entrances at least two weeks prior to the Annual 


Meeting date notifying homeowners of the meeting date and time in lieu 

of written notice delivered by U.S. Postal service.”


 several in attendance expressed concerns about the maintenance and 


general appearance of several properties in the neighborhood. Concerns 


were related lawn and flower bed maintenance and weed control



one homeowner asked whether people receive anything from the 


Association when they move in to help them be aware of the HOA, annual

dues, and general guidelines. Two homeowners have volunteered to greet

new neighbors and be sure they are aware of the Covenants and By-


Laws on our website.


Mary Lynn is composing a letter to go out to neighbors about taking care 


of their properties.


there was discussion about whether to place permanent signs at the 

entries stating that we are an HOA neighborhood. At this time, we do not 


plan to pursue that action.



Adjournment –  Motion to adjourn was made by Ken and seconded by 

Tina DeLaet. Meeting adjourned at approx. 8:45 pm.


Millwood Homeowners Association – May 13, 2021

Call to Order – the meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Mary Lynn Gothard, Millwood Homeowners Association President.

Introductions – Mary Lynn introduced all Board members present Order of Business

(a)  Roll Call – board members present were Mary Lynn Gothard, Viv Bibler, Tina DeLaet, and Sheri Coleman.

(b)  Proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice – all homeowners were mailed a notice of tonight’s meeting; an example was shown at the meeting

(c)  Reading of minutes of preceding meeting – There was no meeting in May 2020 due to the pandemic restrictions at that time. Mary Lynn Gothard referred to the letter mailed to all homeowners last year in lieu of the meeting. There was a motion to accept the letter in place of minutes for the last meeting.

Motion to accept minutes 1) Heather Gehron 2) Dave Barhorst

Motion was approved.

(d)  Reports of officers –

President – Mary Lynn Gothard reported that the Homeowners Association Board met several times over the past year via Zoom, and recently in person. In addition, they are frequently in touch with each other by text message. All lots in Millwood have now been sold. We have 167 lots total. 

Trustees are elected by members of the Homeowners Association. This year two Trustees’ terms expire, those of Tina DeLaet and Jeff Hobbs. Both of them are willing to serve another two-year term.

Mary Lynn expressed her thanks to the members of the HOA Board for their service during
the past year.

Secretary – Sheri Coleman reported that minutes from Annual Homeowners meetings and Millwood
Board meetings are posed on the association’s website.

Treasurer – Kent Crabtree reported we currently have three homeowners whose annual dues for 2021 are outstanding. Mary Lynn will make home visits to each one. Legally, we have the ability to place a lien on homes with outstanding dues. Due to the current pandemic situation, there is a hold on all liens. we hope to be able to resolve the outstanding dues before the hold is lifted and we would have to consider liens on properties. Kent reported there were numerous projects undertaken last year, all completed on budget.  Millwood Profit / Loss statements can be found on the association’s website. 

Trustees – Viv Bibler keeps an eye on mowing, fertilizing, mulching, and weeding of the common areas. She is in frequent contact with the companies we have hired to do those jobs. There has been an ongoing problem with drainage in the retention area behind Deeter Drive and Charlie Drive. This past year the city dredged the creek to help improve flow and drainage. This seems to have helped with the drainage from the retention area. In addition, Viv requested the city clean out the drains that empty into the retention area. We are in the process of having Greentech clear overgrown glass from the cement culvert on the east side of the retention area to further improve flow. Dave Barhorst cleared the cement culvert on the west side. A big thank you to Dave for his hard work!

Jeff Hobbs is responsible for overseeing the pond and fountains, and ensuring that lighting is working properly. He also had several trees removed at the Wenger entrance last summer to help with drainage there. We put in tile and reseeded the area. Several other dead / dying trees in the common areas were also removed last summer.

Tina DeLaet reported on the extensive overhaul of both entrances last summer. The entrances and their landscaping were all original, completed sometime in the 1990’s. Tina secured several bids for the job. Ultimately we contracted with Nature’s Green to do the job. They had done some work for the homeowner who won the City Beautiful Award recently. Nature’s Green removed all the old bushes and landscaping plants at both entrances, replacing them with all new plantings to give us color throughout the growing season. The rock ledges have been redone in the beds at the the Union Road entrance. They also replaced all of the old lights at both entrances with new LED lighting. Initially, the lights were installed on timers, but that has since been corrected, and they operate on sensors now.

The entrances will become more colorful in the next few years as the new plantings mature. To date, all of the new plantings except one bush have survived. Nature’s Green will replace the bush at no cost to us.

We have no electricity for the west side of the Wenger Road entrance at this time. DP&L disconnected it when Metronet was working in the area. Calls have been made to DP&L to rectify the situation.

(f)  Election of Trustees – Jeff Hobbs and Tina DeLaet were both reelected to two-year terms as trustees by
homeowners present at the meeting. Attendees voted by voice vote.

(g)  Unfinished Business – as discussed in Trustees’ reports (drainage issues in the retention areas)

(h)  New Business – A homeowner asked whether there’s a city ordinance about how long a vehicle may remain parked on the street. They were referred to the city of Englewood website. A homeowner is having trouble with standing water in their lot, which is an ongoing issue. The lot has a drain which appears to be ineffective. They were referred to the city to inquire about a remedy for the issue.

A resident at the end of Charlie Drive had several concerns regarding the recent work Englewood did dredging Moss Creek. While they acknowledge the work has improved overall drainage for the Millwood neighborhood, this resident says their own property and drainage has suffered ill effects. They have spoken to the city of Englewood about it several times.

The same neighbor brought up the issue of a new housing development recently approved by Clayton to be built on the west side of Hoke Road, on part of what was once Deeter’s Nursery. The area where the new construction will occur will ultimately drain into Moss Creek. The neighbor requested that the Homeowners Association make contact with Clayton and Englewood governments to advise them of our concerns regarding potential new drainage issues being created by the additional runoff from the new development. The proposed development is in the planning phase, and it is in all of our interests to request both governments do the proper planning to mitigate any additional water flowing into Moss Creek. The developer should be required to create substantial retention space in the new development. 

Another resident stated that the developer is being required to do surveys of traffic along Hoke Road at the developer’s expense. Maybe they could also be required to do surveys about drainage. A homeowner asked about dead trees in people’s yards and what could be done about them. They were referred to the city. (i)  Adjournment – Heather Gehron moved we adjourn. Dave Barhorst seconded. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:30 pm. 

Millwood Homeowners Association Board Meeting
May 2, 2021
Call to Order – 7:30 pm
Attendance – Mary Lynn Gothard, Kent Crabtree, Jeff Hobbs,Viv Bibler, Sheri Coleman
Review of Minutes from Previous Meeting – posted on the Homeowners Association website
Unfinished Business
• Kent presented the current profit / loss statement for the Homeowners Association. We still have a handful of members
with outstanding dues. A reminder was sent several months ago. Kent will send another round of reminders to those
who are still in arrears. The association has the right to have a lien placed on homes if dues remain unpaid.
• Greentech has not been weed whipping the troughs sufficiently in the common area behind Deeter and Charlie. Viv
has made it clear to them that it’s unacceptable to let them go, even when the ground is wet. The troughs have
become overgrown with sod and debris from grass cutting and weed whipping. Greentech will be clearing them to our
satisfaction in the very near future. The trough on the east side of the area needs to have sod dug out and cleared from
the cement.
• Viv and Jeff will get quotes for rock to be placed along both sides of the troughs, similar to the rock border around the
pond. This would discourage the sod from growing over the cement and help keep grass clippings away from the
• Viv has worked with the City of Englewood and had the manholes and drains in the common area behind Charlie
cleaned out. There was considerable debris in them that was impeding drainage.
• Jeff has been in contact with Jim Chase to resolve issues with the electricity at both entrances.
• We received a call from a neighbor on Wenger Road whose property abuts Millwood about a large tree leaning badly
over his property. Jeff and Viv ascertained that the tree belonged to Millwood’s common area, and was our
responsibility. It was rotting and unsafe. They got quotes and had the tree removed
New Business
• Viv reported that the irrigation systems at both entrances will be turned on within the next couple of weeks.
• Jeff and Tina’s terms as trustees both expire this year. Both of them have agreed to remain for another term. We thank
them for their continued willingness to serve in these volunteer positions.

Adjournment 1) Mary Lynne Gotherd 2) Jeff Hobbs
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm

          Jan 1 – May 6, 21   Jan 1 – May 6, 20   % Change   % of Income
  Ordinary Income/Expense              
      Dues 29,225.00   29,225.00   0.0%   100.0%
    Total Income 29,225.00   29,225.00   0.0%   100.0%
      Lawn Services              
        Beds 635.79   0.00   100.0%   2.18%
        Treatment 268.75   258.00   4.17%   0.92%
        Lawn Services – Other 66.00   805.66   -91.81%   0.23%
      Total Lawn Services 970.54   1,063.66   -8.76%   3.32%
      Repairs 849.05   0.00   100.0%   2.91%
      Postage 324.43   179.00   81.25%   1.11%
        Gas & Electric 250.16   456.61   -45.21%   0.86%
        Water 2.15   0.00   100.0%   0.01%
      Total Utilities 252.31   456.61   -44.74%   0.86%
        Pond 123.63   1,272.25   -90.28%   0.42%
      Total Maintenance 123.63   1,272.25   -90.28%   0.42%
    Total Expense 2,519.96   2,971.52   -15.2%   8.62%
  Net Ordinary Income 26,705.04   26,253.48   1.72%   91.38%
Net Income   26,705.04   26,253.48   1.72%   91.38%

Millwood Homeowners Association Board Meeting Nov. 10, 2019

Call to Order – 3:30 pm The meeting was called to order by Mary Lynn Gothard

Attendance – Mary Lynn Gothard, Kent Crabtree, Jeff Hobbs, Viv Bibler, Sheri Coleman

Review of Minutes from Previous Meeting – posted on the Homeowners Association website

Unfinished Business

  • Kent Crabtree presented the expenditures and assets for Jan.-Nov. 9, 2019. A comparison with
    2018 was also presented. Our largest recent expenditure was for the removal of trees, stumps, and
    debris from the common areas. All bills are current and the statement is balanced to date. Utilities
    costs increased slightly due to the addition of a second fountain in the pond.
  •  Homeowners will receive a copy of the budget for 2020 via by December 15, per the bylaws.
  • Jeff Hobbs reported on the specifics of tree and debris removal. We had four trees removed and
    the trough cleaned out in the Denwood retention area. At the Anger road entrance, 3-4 trees were
    removed, along with stumps. Several pine trees were removed from the retention area behind
    Charlie Dr. Also, the concrete troughs in the Charlie retention area have been cleaned out and
    debris removed.
  • The fountains will be removed to storage for the winter before Thanksgiving.
  • Viv Bibler reported that she remains in contact with the City of Englewood in our effort to have the
    section of Moss Creek that receives drainage from the Charlie Dr. retention area dredged and
    cleaned out. The city has already done this work south of Wenger Rd., but has yet to begin work
    on the creek on our side of Wenger (north of Wenger). We still have drainage issues to deal with in
    the Charlie Drive retention area, but we need to wait for the work to be completed on the creek so
    we can determine how best to proceed, and what needs to be done to ensure proper drainage.
  • The irrigation systems for both entrances have been shut down for winter.
  • Viv is in the process of getting estimates for the mowing, irrigation maintenance, and landscaping
    upkeep for next year. She has contacted several companies. We have a large area of land to be
    maintained for the association, and it’s challenging to find companies to take on the variety of
    services we need.
  • Holiday decorations will be installed at both entrances within the next several weeks.

New Business

  • Mary Lynn has updated the list of Homeowners. We have had several homes sold recently, and those new names will be added as we learn them. The current list can be found on the website.
  • Adjournment 1) Jeff Hobbs 2) Viv Bibler
  • Meeting adjourned at 4:55 pm

Millwood Profit / Loss Statement – 2018

Millwood Homeowners Association

  Bank Balance – 12/9/18 $16,167.47    
          Jan 1 – Dec 9, 18   % of Income
  Ordinary Income/Expense      
      Dues 24,600.00   100.0%
    Total Income 24,600.00   100.0%
      Lawn Services      
        Lawn Services – Other 6,383.30   25.95%
        Beds 1,397.51   5.68%
        Treatment 718.26   2.92%
      Total Lawn Services 8,499.07   34.55%
        Electrical 4,380.50   17.81%
        Cement 2,718.00   11.05%
      Total Repairs 7,098.50   28.86%
        Irrigation 1,385.79   5.63%
        Pond 750.75   3.05%
        Entry 27.87   0.11%
      Total Maintenance 2,164.41   8.8%
        Gas & Electric 926.68   3.77%
        Water 902.88   3.67%
      Total Utilities 1,829.56   7.44%
        Comprehensive 975.00   3.96%
      Total Insurance 975.00   3.96%
      Postage 225.54   0.92%
      Decorations 50.00   0.2%
      Domain Name 12.17   0.05%
    Total Expense 20,854.25   84.77%
  Net Ordinary Income 3,745.75   15.23%
Net Income   3,745.75   15.23%
  Bank Balance 12/31/2017   $12,271.22        
          2017   2016   $ Change   % Change
  Ordinary Income/Expense              
      Dues 24,600.00   23,850.00   750.00   3.15%
    Total Income 24,600.00   23,850.00   750.00   3.15%
      Decorations 1,638.35   697.13   941.22   135.01%
        Comprehensive 694.00   680.00   14.00   2.06%
      Total Insurance 694.00   680.00   14.00   2.06%
      Lawn Services              
        Treatment 40.24   0.00   40.24   100.0%
        Lawn Services – Other 7,142.07   11,422.11   -4,280.04   -37.47%
      Total Lawn Services 7,182.31   11,422.11   -4,239.80   -37.12%
        Drainage 0.00   663.61   -663.61   -100.0%
        Entry 878.05   0.00   878.05   100.0%
        Irrigation 1,411.02   2,821.49   -1,410.47   -49.99%
        Pond 536.25   785.07   -248.82   -31.69%
      Total Maintenance 2,825.32   4,270.17   -1,444.85   -33.84%
      Office 0.00   20.37   -20.37   -100.0%
      Postage 280.06   292.48   -12.42   -4.25%
      Reconciliation Discrepancies -150.00   0.00   -150.00   -100.0%
        Electrical 0.00   605.65   -605.65   -100.0%
        Fountain 418.75   0.00   418.75   100.0%
        Repairs – Other 1,100.00   155.70   944.30   606.49%
      Total Repairs 1,518.75   761.35   757.40   99.48%
      Subscriptions 50.00   0.00   50.00   100.0%
        Gas & Electric 1,256.76   1,657.41   -400.65   -24.17%
        Water 802.68   855.57   -52.89   -6.18%
      Total Utilities 2,059.44   2,512.98   -453.54   -18.05%
    Total Expense 16,098.23   20,656.59   -4,558.36   -22.07%
  Net Ordinary Income 8,501.77   3,193.41   5,308.36   166.23%
Net Income     8,501.77   3,193.41   5,308.36   166.23%


Millwood Homeowners Association

May 9, 2019

Call to Order – the meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Mary Lynne Gothard, Homeowners Association President

Introductions – Mary Lynne introduced all Board members present, as well as Bill Singer, Director of Development for the City of Englewood.

Order of Business

(a)Roll Call – board members present were President Mary Lynn Gothard, Treasurer Kent Crabtree, Trustee Viv Bibler, Trustee JoAnn Smith, Trustee Jeff Hobbs, and Secretary Sheri Coleman

(b)Proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice – all homeowners were

mailed a notice of tonight’s meeting; an example was shown at the meeting

(c)Reading of minutes of preceding meeting – minutes from the 2018 Annual Meeting were read aloud by Sheri Coleman

Motion to accept minutes 1) Ray McDonald moved to accept the minutes as presented

2)Tina DeLaet seconded

Minutes were accepted

(d)Reports of ocers – President –

Mary Lynn invited Bill Singer to take the floor. He gave the group an overview of the City of Englewood’s government and current projects that are underway. Members present were invited to ask questions, and a number of questions about empty business properties and the water softening project being undertaken were discussed. It was both interesting and informative for all present.

Regarding Moss Creek and the drainage issues our neighborhood is experiencing behind Deeter and Charlie, the city is involved and is working with the Homeowners Association. The water level in the creek has risen to a level that interferes with the outflow pipe from our

retention area when we experience heavy rains. The City of Englewood has been working in and around the creek on the south side of Wenger Road. They have removed a lot of debris. The weather this spring has prevented the use of heavy equipment so far, but when weather and schedules permit, Englewood will dredge Moss Creek. It has been dredged once before that we know of, about 12 years ago. Mr. Singer is hopeful that with the removal of debris and the dredging on both sides of Wenger Road, the water level will be lower and will not cause the severe flooding we have been seeing in the retention area. The Board is appreciative of the city’s attention and eorts. Mary Lynn thanked Mr. Singer for attending the meeting.

Mary Lynn also expressed thanks to members of the Homeowners Board and Trustees for their time and eorts.

Thanks were extended to Viv Bibler, Tina DeLaet, and Sheri Coleman for planting the flowers at both entrances this year.

The Board and Trustees met face to face twice in the past year. In addition, they are in regular contact via texts.

Mary Lynn noted that our by-laws were written in 1993. It’s time to look at updating them. In particular, there have been many changes in types of available building materials, satellite dishes, etc. We will be getting information and seeking members’ input as we begin to look at making any updates to the by-laws. One member present has access to by-laws from another local HOA, which may prove helpful.

Treasurer – Kent Crabtree reported that we have a balance of $ 40,000 in the bank. That seems high, but it is earmarked for significant expenses we are anticipating. As of tonight, we have received annual dues from all but six homeowners. In accordant with our by-laws, a lien will be placed on the homes of people who do not pay their dues.

Maintenance for the neighborhood is proceeding on schedule.

Trustees –

JoAnn Smith reported that regarding her greeting new neighbors as they move into Millwood, she has learned the city of Englewood has a detailed welcome packet that they mail to new residents. JoAnn has continued to send new members a copy of the welcome letter from our website and a list of all homeowners in Millwood.

JoAnn has decided not to continue as a trustee at this time, though she is willing to help from time to time if needs arise. Mary Lynn extended our thanks to JoAnn for her service these past two years, and for the new ideas and perspective she has brought to the Homeowners Board and Trustees.

Viv Bibler reported on our continued retention area issues. We will still need to do considerable work on the retention area after the Englewood finishes their work. We have debris to clean out of the retention area, which should be done on a yearly basis. Viv will contact Helping Hands to clear debris. Also, we anticipate needing to regrade and possibly redo some of the drainage culverts and pipes that have settled over time to ensure proper drainage. Dave Barhorst has been helpful in meeting with Viv and Englewood personnel to try and determine the best way to resolve the drainage problem.

Viv has contacted Green Tech to address grass being blown into the pond when they mow.

We have had some incidents of people fishing in the pond, even though it’s clearly posted that fishing is prohibited. This brings liability concerns, as well as possibly depleting the fish in the pond. The fish were placed there to help control algae. Also, we have noticed children from time to time throwing rocks into the pond.The rock border that edges the pond plays a part in protecting the pond from erosion. If you notice anyone fishing or people throwing rocks into the pond, please ask them to stop and to leave the pond area.

Jeff Hobbs reported that the fountains were able to be installed and begin functioning on time this year. Last year we were delayed for a while waiting for DP&L to be able to replace an electrical line that had shorted out. We do have several lights out at the pond and new ones have been ordered.

Jeff has made several calls to Lake Doctors about the algae we have on the pond, but they have not yet been able to come. He will continue reminding them.

We still have several trees in the retention area off of Denwood that need to come out. Helping Hands has been contracted to do the job. In addition, they will remove a couple of trees from the west side of the Wenger Road entrance to ease the overcrowding there. Helping Hands will also remove a couple of pine trees that are dying, located along the easement drive to the Charlie / Denwood retention area.

Irrigation heads will be replaced at the north side of the Union Road entrance. They’re old and aren’t functioning properly.

(f)Election of Trustees – two Trustees’ terms expire this year: JoAnn Smith and Jeff Hobbs.As mentioned previously, JoAnn has chosen not to run for reelection. Jeff is willing to serve

again if elected. Tina DeLaet, who has served as a Trustee in the past, is interested in serving again if elected.

Mary Lynn opened the floor to nominations for Trustees. These are two-year terms.

Kimball Ragan nominated Jeff Hobbs and Tina DeLaet. Clay Robison seconded the nomination. A vote was taken. Jeff Hobbs and Tina DeLaet will serve as Trustees for the next two years.

(g) Unfinished Business – as discussed in Trustees’ reports (retention areas, tree removal)

h)New Business – The City of Englewood has a regulation against leaving grass clippings on the street after mowing. Several neighbors have noticed this becoming a problem, possibly with some of our newer neighbors who may not be aware of the law. There has been an inquiry about this on NextDoor from Mr. Gibson. Mary Lynn will respond on NextDoor. Also, next year when we mail the notices about the annual meeting, we will include a reminder about this issue.

Motion to Adjourn – 1) Dave Barhorst

2) Irene McCreight

9:00 pm

Millwood Homeowners Association Board Meeting
April 28, 2019
Call to Order – 3:30 pm
Attendance – Mary Lynn Gothard Kent Crabtree Joann Smith Jeff Hobbs Viv Bibler
Sheri Coleman
Review of Minutes from Previous Meeting – posted on the Homeowners Association website
Unfinished Business

• Kent presented an updated list of homeowners who have not paid their 2019 dues. In addition to the annual bill in
January, Kent has already sent one reminder notice to those who are delinquent. Mary Lynn has also attempted to
contact those who are on Next Door through private messaging. Per the by-laws, any homeowner who has not
paid annual dues by the date of the annual meeting (May 9, 2019) will have a lien placed on their property. Those
who are currently delinquent will receive another reminder through the mail before the annual meeting.

• Retention area behind Deeter and Charlie – Viv and Dave Barhorst have walked the area several times and
documented the problems. Viv has been in contact with the City of Englewood, and Bill Singer as well as another
city employee, Al Butler, who deals with these types of issues have also been here to see the issues. It appears
that part of the problem is being caused by a lot of high water and silt in the creek, which impedes our drainage.
Bill Singer has proposed that the city clear out the creek in the section on the south side of Wenger Road. He
thinks that if the debris and pathway for the water is cleared downstream it will allow free flow of water on our side
of the creek, which should improve our drainage.

• We still have some major work that needs to be done in the retention area, in conjunction with what the city is
proposing. We anticipate having to do some regrading, repair of pipes and drainage troughs, and possibly installing
loose rock berms along the edges of the troughs to help stop grass and other debris from interfering with the

• Jeff has three bids from tree removal companies to take out the dead trees from around the Denwood retention
pond. The weather has not been cooperative. It was decided to get a final quote from Helping Hands and sign the
contract with them to do the work at the first possible opportunity. In addition to the retention pond area, they will
also remove several dying pine trees along the easement to the Retention area off of Charlie, and at the west side
of the Wenger Road entrance to the neighborhood.

• The fountains are working well. We have several lights to replace, and they’re ordered. Jeff will secure services to
have the pond water treated to stop the buildup of algae.
New Business

• Viv has noted some overgrown bushes and loose pavers at the Union Road entrance. We will consider the best
course of action at a later date, dependent upon the cost of the repairs to the retention areas and the tree removal.

• GreenTech will be opening and inspecting the irrigation systems at both entrances in the next week or so.

• Bill Singer will attend the annual Homeowners meeting on May 9 to discuss the retention area off of Deeter and
Charlie and to answer questions.

Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.

Millwood Homeowners Association Board Meeting
Dec. 2, 2018

Call to Order – 4:00 pm

Attendance – Mary Lynn Gothard Kent Crabtree Joann Smith Jeff Hobbs Viv Bibler
Sheri Coleman

Review of Minutes from Previous Meeting – posted on the Homeowners Association website

Unfinished Business

• We continue to look for an excavator who can give us an estimate on the much needed repairs of the retention area off of Deeter and Charlie. Mary Lynn has contacted several, and they were either uninterested in the job, or scheduling months out. We are currently on a waiting list with one contractor. We have learned through discussion with several professionals the job may be more expensive than we first anticipated. We anxiously await the estimate so we can better understand the full scope of the repairs.

• All bills and expenses for the year are accounted for and have been paid.
• All homeowners’ dues have been collected. Our revenue was approximately the same as it was for 2017.
• The weather has been uncooperative for the tree removal that is needed near the retention area on Denwood. It never really got dry enough this summer for an extended time to be able to have it done. We are looking at possibly scheduling it this winter if the ground freezes hard enough.

New Business

• Greentech will be contracted to care for the common areas again in 2019. They will make two additional visits in 2019 compared with 2018. We had some issues this year with weeds and trimming at the entrances that will be resolved by these additional applications.

• Board members discussed the association’s annual expenses and income. Although we have some money in reserve, we are looking at several large maintenance issues (i.e. the retention areas, the tree removal, and rising costs for mowing, weeding, and treating the common areas). As the neighborhood ages, we are incurring expenses such as the replacement of curbs by the pond, and the need to replace aging parts of the irrigation systems. This year, our expenses averaged out to about $127.00 per household. After much discussion, we determined the need to raise annual dues to $175.00 per household. This will ensure that we have sufficient funds for the maintenance we are aware of, as well as provide a safety net for future expenses.

• The idea of creating a directory for the neighborhood has been presented. We discussed the pros and cons of having personal data available, and whether we need it, with the existence of Next Door and the homeowners website. This idea will be presented to the homeowners at the annual meeting in May for input and a possible vote.

Meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm

1/28/18 – Minutes

Millwood Homeowners Association Board Meeting
January 28, 2018
Call to Order – the meeting was called to order by Mary Lynn Gothard
Attendance – Mary Lynn Gothard, Kent Crabtree, Joann Smith, Jeff Hobbs, Vivian Bibler,
Sheri Coleman
Old Business –
•  End of year financial information has been compiled by Kent Crabtree.
•  We currently have approximately an $28,800 balance to begin 2018. Annual Homeowners’ dues are
still coming in, with the due date of Jan. 31.There are approx. $8,100 in remaining outstanding dues.
• Green Tech was responsible for maintaining the common areas last year. They will be contracted again for 2018, with updates to the contract to include more frequent maintenance of the beds at both entrances.
• There are currently two homeowners in the process of obtaining permits and trustee signatures for projects on their property
New Business-
• There are three trees in one of the retention areas that are dead and need to be removed. The trustees will seek bids and an effort will be made to have the tree removal done as soon as possible
• There is an issue with a drain pipe that leads from one of the retention areas to Moss Creek. The trustees will have an excavation company assess the situation and determine how best to solve the problem. Once we know what or if anything needs to be done, a decision will be made as to how best to proceed.
Assignment of Responsibilities for 2018 –
• Viv Bibler will maintain contact with Green Tech as the year progresses, and make sure the common areas are being maintained according to the contract
• Jeff Hobbs will secure bids and contract to remove the dead trees in the retention area, and will work with Helping Hands to have the fountains restarted and maintained in the pond at the Union Road entrance.
• Joann Smith will interact with new homeowners in the association, ensuring that they feel welcome and informed about our neighborhood. She will also explore the creation of a welcome packet for future new members.
Good of the Order – no items
Adjournment –
Respectfully Submitted,
Sheri Coleman
